
Rabu, 25 Desember 2013

The Modern Story of Sleeping Beauty

Written by : Rezi Chanberla
                          In a palace, in USA (United States of America). There were a President and his wife, Barack Obama and Michelle Obama. They had a beautiful daughter, namely Selena Gomez. She loved singing and dancing. She sang for her parents. Sometimes, she also sang at American big party. Everyone praised and loved her voice.
                          One day, the President made a great party. He invited all of the officials and some of famous artists. In the party, in front of everyone, Selena showed her beautiful voice. Everyone was amazed to hear it and they said that she was more than perfect. Some people recorded when she was singing and uploaded the video to facebook. The video got 9999 likes and 8999 good comments. The video became famous on facebook. Everyone in the world knew that Obama’s daughter had a beautiful voice.
                          Heard the news, Lady Gaga was angry. Then, she logged in Facebook, she saw that all the people praised Selena on facebook. She became so angry. Because, she didn’t want anyone better than her and made her career drop. She felt that she was the queen of the greatest singer in the world. Then, she updated her status on facebook.
                          She said on facebook, “I am a queen of the greatest singer in the world. Nobody’s perfect than me. If there is someone better than me, I will make her life dark”.
                          After that, she made a song for Selena. In the lyrics of the song had a curse that anyone who heard the song, she would have a long sleep. The curse would stop if there was a man who sang sincerely. The next day, Gaga logged in facebook and then she sent the messages and gave a curse song to Selena.
Chatted Lady Gaga and Selena Gomez on facebook :
Gaga           :    “Assalamu’alaikum Selena. How are you ?”
Selena         :    “Wa’alaikumsalam.. Fine, thanks”.
Gaga           :    “hmm.. I’ve heard the news about you. You’ve a beautiful voice. I’m sure that you will be a famous singer”.
Selena         :    “Owh ! really ? Thanks a lot Gaga. I’m happy that a famous singer like you praises my voice. I’m so happy”.
Gaga           :    “By the way, I have a song for you. I hope you’ll love it”.
Selena         :    “Certainly, I must love it. Thanks a lot”.
Gaga           :    “Ok, I’ll send it”.
                          After getting the song from Gaga, then she heard it till done. At the time, she fell and slept. Her parents shocked, then they took her to the hospital and Doctor examined her.
“She’s fine, she doesn’t have any disease. Your daughter is only sleeping, sir”, Doctor said.
“Why doesn’t she get up ? she has long enough sleep”, Obama said.
                          Five years later, the news about Obama’s daughter spreaded in the world. Everyone was sad to hear the news. Many people came to visit and helped her. But, there was no people who can wake her up from the long sleep.
                          Heard the news, Justin Bieber was sad. Then he went to the hospital to visit her. Saw the situation, he felt so sad. “She’s so beautiful, and she’s also a good girl. What should I do to help her ?”, Justin said. After that, he sang a song for her. The special song he made for her. When he was singing, Selena opened her eyes and held his hand.
“Thank you for coming and singing for me”, Selena said.
“I’m so happy that you wake up from a long sleep”, Justin said.
                          Then, Justin and Selena got married. They lived happily and they had a beautiful daughter, namely Cleopatra Stratan Bieber. :D

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